

很晚了,可是我还很想把我的感想写出来~ 今年,我带着和以前不一样的心情,去迎接我的生日,而且是21岁生日~ 我失去了一个人,我找回很多东西~ 21岁,哭了,感觉自己经历了很多东西,谢谢他~ 哭了,因为什么呢?还眷恋吗?感动吗?领悟吗?想通吗?我想,是感动~ thank you all... this year is very different for me... (<-- this small paragraph wrote on 17/12/2009)

(wrote on 19/12/2009)
how to celebrate?
let's start from 11/12/2009(friday)~
~ go sing k with whole family leh... my parents 1st time go sing k, haha.. funny~ and happy~ i remember last time family celebrate bday with me is when im still in primary school oo~ haha~ think back will laugh de~ that day really touched when they all sang bday song~ thx, love u all~ i should always remember this moment~ a cake, a bday song~ (hehe, we curi curi dabao the cake go home, and kampai~ )xD
on 17/12/2009(thursday)~
~ at office, my manager scared me and ask me to go out to have a discussion. i din notice they are actually preparing to celebrate my bday~ haha, suprise... although i know that every staff will have a celebration but at that time i really dunno and not realize that becoz i just end my call~ haha... thx all my colleagues...i get a cake, a bday song... i want the photos, fast fast give me o~ =p
~ at(after) BOM(business opportunity melilea), i oso being cheated, haha~ i get a small cake, a bday song...hehe... and the photo were posted very fast by our business partners, thx all of my melilea business partners... wat really touched are:
1st, is stella~ i din thought that she will talk this much in the meeting... im so happy and excited when she shared and wat she shared~ this is a very good present from her already~ we all gambateh 2gether~ ^^
2nd, is i know that there are still many ppl care abt me~ haha~ i oso should love myself~

~ at black & white cafe (pandan indah), my ymm(young malaysian movements) frens were waiting for me...haha.. good ... a cake too, a bday song too~ but this cake is specially for my face de...haha~ i forgot who push me to kiss the cake already...haha~ but at that moment really wanna cry.. but not crying out la~ hehe~ never try it before~ =p and wishes~ ^^ thx all my ymm frens~

now is the exact date 18/12/2009(friday)~
~ guest: mix =p ...1st, go sing k.. thx chui theng for accompany me~ ^^ again, a cake(specially made de o, taste good), a song~ today i late already~ late 1 hour then reach so sing less only~ some songs make me thinking of something, haha~ happy bday~ =p thx frens that sing k with me and celebrate with me o.^^ and someone drunk last nite and until friday oso say many things~ hey, dun luan luan say things ya, haha~

~ guest: mix =p ...2nd, watch movie: avatar...very nice movie~ 3 hrs~watch 2012 oso not so exciting a...=p thx for ppl watch movie with me oo... haha, on my bday watched a nice movie... good a! ^^

~ 3rd, rush back to ampang, now is college classmates..hehe, meet at one place then 3 cars go to look out point~ i never go thr before~ thx them for bring me there~ nice view and atmosphere~another cake, same bday song, hehe~  but... it rains =.= but... it finally stops~ hehe..then we go up to see the view of kl~ ^^ next round is black & white cafe again, because ~ the night is still young =p play cards thr, some drink beer thr~ and open my gift there~ thank you all accompany whole night~ hmm~ there are few restaurant at look out point, maybe next time i should try others~ ^^

so the total is 6 cakes, 6 songs~ hehe... hmm...gifts received this year.. haha~ actually i get wat i wish de~ perfume, hehe =p and i m a bit greedy~ another thing i wish to have i will go to buy it myself 2mr... a gift for myself~ not expensive, but i need it~ a watch, not a formal or business use one~ hehe~ actually i like the gitfs received, and no matter who give and who din give i oso very happy~ is not a very important in gifts, is the heart~ i can feel all of u, thank you very much~

and, after celebration, have to start to gambateh for wat i want to achieve....im full of energy~ from u all~ i know that in our life, we have hopes~ one real heart~ result real action~ will touch many people~ i believe in it~ people can see wat u r doing~ ^^ and for me, most important and basic thing, 坚持和坚强, it will support u, it will makes u go further. ^^



在这个星期最大的收获,就是让我更了解另一个行业了,虽然不完全了解,但我知道的东西更多了。也让我觉得,我要好好地分析并思考。但那不会影响我对于我本身的目标造成影响。我相信不止一个行业是可以帮助到人的, 但要就要选对的,很多时候都是要说天时、地利、人和~ 经过这星期,令我更确定,我必须、一定要蜕变~



天下是没有白吃的早、午、晚餐的~ 我想,最后,就剩下行动了,有正确的心态与信念,一定要以行动实践出来~ 有了行动量,就会看到成果了。。。^ ^  这是最开心的了

激励的东西每个不同的地方都有,但却是可以用在你的人生中。我觉得很多事情道理都是一样的,只在于个人本身怎么去消化、运用、和实践,完全在于个人~ 所以有时有人问我一些很假设性的问题时,我都会说~:“看情况的,看人的~”。 哈哈,这个答案真的是很(广东话发音:“巷”)。可是,不是这样吗?很多事情也没有绝对的~ = p 不过想想,我总不能每次都这样答的,这样对方跟我谈天应该会很闲,很没瘾,哈哈~

也发现真的,身边和我年龄差不多的人,大多数都只是想着怎样去玩,想赚钱也是为了去玩,去怎样把钱花掉(钱是拿来花,没错,那也不能只想着自己和只在乎享受现在吧)~ 这是从他们口中说出来的哦~ 我想,我的想法真的和他们非常不同,怎么大家都觉得没问题啊?我也不想人生攻击啦,这是他们的生活~ 世界上什么人都有,不然怎么会有人过得好,有人过的普通,造就了不同的社会呀~ 只是有一点感慨,是现代的人命太好还是文化教育上都出了问题。。。给于适当的玩乐和享受是没问题,可是总不能常常只想着玩啊~ 那样的人生有意义、有价值吗?价值~ 

“善待自己並不等於放任自己 放縱自己的人,也許會得到短期的快樂 但同時也會因為目光短淺而失去更多的未來的發展機會”


我很喜欢这几句~ 我不敢说我是什么成功者,但我不想做失败者,想要成功,就向成功者学习~

算了吧~ 我先要蜕变自己~ 要人跟随你,现在的用词是:你要吸引别人跟随你,而不是你找人跟随你~ 哈哈,好像很深哦~ 我今天才学到的,也在勉励着自己~ 这过程肯定会有不如意,但加油哦,我不敢说自己的想法有多好, 做不出来也等于零~ 不是吗?

哈哈~ 现在的行动是去睡觉了~ 今天特别想写部落格,因为这个星期得到的启示好像很多,很想分享出去~哈哈,而且不用给大家说我好像很久没有写了, 哈哈~ 睡觉去咯,拜拜~  Zzzzzz  (>.^)





 MBA Cheras: 织梦宴 2009

Melilea Professional Inner-Outer Beauty Course 2009
美丽乐专业内外护理课程 2009


         今天,开始写部落格,本人不太会表达,只把自己的想法写出来,请大家见谅。。。感觉好像回到学校写作文一样,哈哈! 不过在这里想写什么就写什么,自由多了,不用顾虑太多语法,内容组织的问题,嘻嘻~

        最近的我觉得‘爱情’这回事实在是很儿戏,怎么在一起相爱的时候说好要一起好好的生活,却可以一瞬间说要分开?无论那段爱情、感情的时间是多久,几个月,几年,几十年。。。原因:人心变了、累了。世界上永远不会变的就是‘变’,要维持一段感情真的不容易。当然,有时候真的不适合也没办法。总之爱情对现在的我来说太儿戏,太没有保障了,是高风险的投资,今天好好的,明天可以和你说分手、离婚。听别人说也听多了,会抗拒和有恐惧感呢,哈哈~  爱情,你先别来找我哦~  这些日子也谢谢关心我的朋友哦。^ ^  其实,我想,很多事情的发生,我开始很坦然的面对,因为我觉得,这就是生活~~

        我终于要学车了,正在找寻适合的驾驶学院(应该是这样叫吧),蛮紧张的。现在在吉隆坡学车考车真‘便宜’啊,我问到一间,竟然还没包也要RM1300,真是厉害~ 只是这样,钱就没了,要再赚回~ 看来我要好好规划我的钱、时间,才能达到我要的。以后的,出车(车油、维修、保养)、相机、手机、laptop、打印机、女生都有拍的所谓的少女专辑(=p)都要钱,要加油哦!哈哈,我不怕写出来,这很正常的事啊~ =p
        我现实吗? 不,这都是生活,我所说的都是很基本的东西。还好我才21岁,但时间是不留人的,一天一天的过,很快的。。。我要努力自我增值,有更美好的未来,让父母觉得自豪的孩子。我说我21岁,可是父母已不年轻了,我们有时间去实践和实现,但他们有多少年的时间等我们成功呢?有些人出生于不错的家庭,很多东西都不用自己赚钱或付完,应该好好珍惜并感恩,因为你已经好过很多人了。现在的我,工作、家庭最重要,当然还有一班很好的朋友和伙伴~  大家共勉之~